Merge plugin
The merge plugin replaces the default merge functionality from Bitbucket Cloud and adds support for:
- Enforced merge extended checks
- Restricting strategies and options
- Rebase strategy
- Smart auto merge
- Redundant builds prevention
The simplest configuration is:
import {const configure: (config: Config | (() => Config)) => void
configure} from ""
import {const merge: OptionsPlugin<MergePluginOptions, false>
merge} from ""
function configure(config: Config | (() => Config)): void
Config.plugins?: PluginDef<unknown>[] | undefined
plugins: [function merge(): PluginDef<MergePluginOptions> (+2 overloads)
Advanced examples using options:
import {const configure: (config: Config | (() => Config)) => void
configure} from ""
import {const merge: OptionsPlugin<MergePluginOptions, false>
merge} from ""
function configure(config: Config | (() => Config)): void
Config.plugins?: PluginDef<unknown>[] | undefined
plugins: [
function merge(options: MergePluginOptions): PluginDef<MergePluginOptions> (+2 overloads)
MergePluginOptions.allow?: RulesOr<string[] | undefined>
allow: ["Team leaders"],
MergePluginOptions.strategies?: RulesOr<"rebase_fast_forward" | "merge" | "fast_forward" | "fast_forward_only" | "rebase_merge" | "squash" | "squash_fast_forward" | ("rebase_fast_forward" | "merge" | "fast_forward" | "fast_forward_only" | "rebase_merge" | "squash" | "squash_fast_forward")[] | undefined>
strategies: "rebase_fast_forward", RulesOr<boolean | ("strategy" | "commitMessage" | "closeBranch" | "preventRedundantBuilds")[] | undefined>
select: false,
using rules and conditions:
import {const configure: (config: Config | (() => Config)) => void
configure} from ""
import {const merge: OptionsPlugin<MergePluginOptions, false>
merge} from ""
import {function target(...branches: Array<string | RegExp> & NonEmptyArray): ChainableCondition
target, const labels: Labels
labels, function otherwise(): true
otherwise} from ""
function configure(config: Config | (() => Config)): void
Config.plugins?: PluginDef<unknown>[] | undefined
plugins: [
function merge(...rules: Rules<MergePluginOptions | undefined>): PluginDef<MergePluginOptions> (+2 overloads)
function target(...branches: Array<string | RegExp> & NonEmptyArray): ChainableCondition
MergePluginOptions.autoMerge?: RulesOr<boolean | undefined>
autoMerge: const labels: Labels
labels.Labels.has(label: string | LabelRef): ChainableCondition (+1 overload)
- Enables smart auto merge , which automatically merges the pull request when all the extended checks
are passing. It relies on the default values for the merge options as well. Default: false
- The groups that are allowed to merge. By default, anyone that has write permissions is allowed to merge.
- The strategies that can be used to merge the pull request. It can also be a single strategy. Default is all existing strategies.
e.g. "rebase_merge"
or ["merge", "squash", "fast_forward"]
. See all supported strategies here.
- Whether the branch should be closed after the merge is performed. Default: Inherits the value specified when
the pull request was created.
- Template for using for the merge commit message.
- Redundant builds prevention feature when merging. Default: false
- Defines the options that can be selected. It affects the merge commit dialog.
Default is to allow all values to be selected; false
locks the values to the defaults.
Enforcing merge checks
The merge plugin will only show the merge button once all the extended merge checks are passing.

In order to support enforced extended checks, Flowie uses Bitbucket branches restrictions . It updates the permissions of the repository to only allow Flowie to perform merges. This is due to current Bitbucket limitations on creating custom checks, so to overcome this limitation Flowie implements its own enforced checks.
The changes to permissions are performed when applying the configurations and the
merge plugin is enabled. The default changes are usually suitable for most
installations, but if you need to customise it, you can use the branch.restrictions
property in the configuration. You can also disable the
permissions change for debugging purposes or to work around an issue.
When the merge plugin is removed or the branch.restrictions
are disabled, the previous permissions will be restored.
Restricting merge options and default values
It’s common when defining your workflow to pick a merge strategy, e.g., only use merge commits when applying to the main branch. The merge plugin allows you to enforce and restrict the options available.
By default, all the merge strategies will be available, but you can use
the strategies
option to restrict them:
function merge(options: MergePluginOptions): PluginDef<MergePluginOptions> (+2 overloads)
MergePluginOptions.strategies?: RulesOr<"merge" | "fast_forward" | "fast_forward_only" | "rebase_merge" | "rebase_fast_forward" | "squash" | "squash_fast_forward" | ("merge" | "fast_forward" | "fast_forward_only" | "rebase_merge" | "rebase_fast_forward" | "squash" | "squash_fast_forward")[] | undefined>
strategies: ["merge", "squash"],
MergePluginOptions.closeBranch?: RulesOr<boolean | undefined>
closeBranch: true,
This configuration will restrict the options to only the strategies specified and close branch will be selected by default.

You can also restrict the options that can be selected in the dialog using
the select
function merge(options: MergePluginOptions): PluginDef<MergePluginOptions> (+2 overloads)
MergePluginOptions.strategies?: RulesOr<"merge" | "fast_forward" | "fast_forward_only" | "rebase_merge" | "rebase_fast_forward" | "squash" | "squash_fast_forward" | ("merge" | "fast_forward" | "fast_forward_only" | "rebase_merge" | "rebase_fast_forward" | "squash" | "squash_fast_forward")[] | undefined>
strategies: ["merge", "squash"],
MergePluginOptions.closeBranch?: RulesOr<boolean | undefined>
closeBranch: true, RulesOr<boolean | ("strategy" | "commitMessage" | "closeBranch" | "preventRedundantBuilds")[] | undefined>
select: ["strategy"],

Now ‘close branch’ will always be true
and can’t be changed, the user can only
choose the strategy.
You can also enforce all the options by setting select
to false
as below:
function merge(options: MergePluginOptions): PluginDef<MergePluginOptions> (+2 overloads)
MergePluginOptions.strategies?: RulesOr<"rebase_fast_forward" | "merge" | "fast_forward" | "fast_forward_only" | "rebase_merge" | "squash" | "squash_fast_forward" | ("rebase_fast_forward" | "merge" | "fast_forward" | "fast_forward_only" | "rebase_merge" | "squash" | "squash_fast_forward")[] | undefined>
strategies: "rebase_fast_forward",
MergePluginOptions.closeBranch?: RulesOr<boolean | undefined>
closeBranch: true, RulesOr<boolean | ("strategy" | "commitMessage" | "closeBranch" | "preventRedundantBuilds")[] | undefined>
select: false,

Because there is nothing to select, Flowie will show the merge button without a dialog and when pressed it will use rebase as the merge strategy and close the branch.
Commit message template
Commit message can be defined using a template with dynamic content. For instance, you can set the default message using the pull request’s id and description variables:
function merge(options: MergePluginOptions): PluginDef<MergePluginOptions> (+2 overloads)
MergePluginOptions.commitMessageTemplate?: RulesOr<((ctx: {
pullRequest: PullRequest;
}) => string) | undefined>
commitMessageTemplate: ({pullRequest: PullRequest
pullRequest}) =>
`#${pullRequest: PullRequest number
id}: - ${pullRequest: PullRequest
pullRequest.PullRequest.summary: {
raw: string;
markup: "markdown" | "creole" | "plaintext";
html: string;
Smart auto merge
Flowie’s smart auto merge lets you specify the condition and requirements, or which checks should be passed for it to trigger a merge automatically.
Differently from Bitbucket’s auto merge when build passes functionality, which is limited, since you need for instance to wait or watch for reviewers, or other checks before you can request a merge on build success.
The merge plugin supports all the Bitbucket Cloud strategies and adds support for additional strategies, including rebase.
Always create a new merge commit and update the target branch to it, even if the source branch is already up to date with the target branch.
If the source branch is out of date with the target branch, create a merge commit. Otherwise, update the target branch to the latest commit on the source branch.
If the source branch is out of date with the target branch, reject the merge request. Otherwise, update the target branch to the latest commit on the source branch.
Commits from the source branch onto the target branch, creating a new non-merge commit for each incoming commit. Creates a merge commit to update the target branch.
Commits from the source branch onto the target branch, creating a new non-merge commit for each incoming commit. Fast-forwards the target branch with the resulting commits.
Combine all commits into one new non-merge commit on the target branch.
If the source branch is out of date with the target branch, reject the merge request. Otherwise, combine all commits into one new non-merge commit on the target branch.
Autosquash (Rebase) NEW
If your commits contain Git autosquash directives,
e.g., fixup!
, Flowie will automatically process them during rebase.
This is useful for code reviews when implementing requested changes.
Instead of rewriting the commits,
or creating separated ones and having to manually squash them later,
you create --fixup/--squash
These are easier to review,
as they clearly show what was changed for the review,
and let Flowie clean them up later by combining them automatically during merge.

Redundant builds prevention
Avoiding redundant builds saves time and resources by eliminating the need to reprocess unchanged code, leading to cost savings and more efficient use of continuous integration servers. This also shortens the feedback loop for developers, boosting productivity, and allows them to focus on valuable tasks like adding features or fixing bugs.
Whenever a Git operation results in an identical set of changes, altering only the commit log, Flowie can prevent a redundant build and preserve the status if there is already a passing build for those changes. This applies when the branch is up-to-date and a fast-forward merge is executed, or when rebasing it solely to eliminate merge logs.

Although you might try to manually bypass the build process, pushing changes such as a rebase will reset the build results. Consequently, if your workflow requires a passing build check, you’ll need to rerun the build for those changes.
This behavior can be toggled on or off in the plugins that support this functionality.